- immigration rules update
- 四月 13
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Home Office 4 月 9 日再次更新 BNO visa 的條文,如仔細分析,其實沒有甚麼大改動,大家一齊來看看吧。
「 It is permissible for the BN(O) status holder’s spouse or partner and dependent child under 18 to apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) route separately from the lead applicant. For example, this includes any children born whilst their parents are on the BN(O) route; you should grant them permission on the route in line with that of their parents’. Additionally, if a BN(O) status holder meets a new partner after a grant of permission on the BN(O) route, their partner would be able to come to the UK, providing they otherwise meet the requirements for a dependant partner on the route.」
這裏說配偶/伴侶和18歲以下子女可分開申請BNO visa,舉例若簽證期間出生的子女及新覓的伴侶,只要符合附屬申請人的要求,便可以加入BNO Visa申請中。
1. 其實這是演繹早前這一段:
「If you start a new relationship when you have a valid BNO visa, your partner can apply as your dependant.
They’ll need to use your application number in their application to link them together.
If your child (under 18) was born after you got your BNO visa, you can apply for a BNO visa for them. You must have a valid BNO visa when you make their application.」
2. 分開申請主要指有家庭裏有新的關係,要留意 Applying together 這一個 section 第一句是:
「BN(O) status holders and relevant family members must usually apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) route together, although they may choose to travel to the UK separately。」
3. 注意若配偶/伴侶和子女可若要成功分開申請,仍須符合以下條件:
- 配偶須是BNO holder,才可獨立提交申請
- 18歲以下子女只能跟較遲申請的家長一起申請,才能符合與父母一起申請的要求
- 18歲以下子女要得到永居,父母須已經得到永居或已成為英國公民的條件不變 (見後2段:
「For a grant of settlement on the Hong Kong BN(O) route, a BN(O) household child must be being granted at the same time as their BN(O) status holder parent, and/or their other parent who is already settled or a British citizen.」)
「Some applicants may have staggered their applications so that one parent moves to the UK first to arrange affairs before the other parent and children join them; this would also be permissible under this concession.」
「If the BN(O) status holder and their dependent BN(O) household child or BN(O) adult dependant relative travelled to the UK separately, the continuous residence requirement for settlement may mean that these dependants may have to apply for further permission to stay beyond 5 years if the BN(O) status holder has not yet fulfilled the continuous residence requirement.」
「Hong Kong BN(O) status holders and their family members are granted permission on the condition that they cannot access public funds and can maintain themselves. This term is defined in paragraph 6 of the Immigration Rules and includes most state benefits and housing or homelessness assistance. However, those who have been granted permission on the Hong Kong BN(O) route who are destitute or are at imminent risk of falling into destitution can apply to change their conditions to lift the No Recourse to Public Funds condition. 」
BNO visa人士不可以使用公共福利,包括大多數的地方政府福利及房屋福利,已在早前的移民條例定義了。但如果獲批人士面臨貧困或極有可能陷入貧困人士,則可以改變不許使用公共福利的規則。
「BN(O) status holders are not normally required to register with the police, including when they also hold a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passport. Holders of HKSAR passports, and holders of other specified passports over the age of 16, must be required to register with the police.」
BNO holders通常不用到警局報到(包括持有特區護照的BNO holders),若只持有特區護照的16歲以上人士 (指dependant) 則需要到警局報到。
一向某些國籍人士都需要到警局登記,只是疫情的關係暫停了多時。我們早前的Facebook post也有介紹,有需要的話,可參閱:BNO visa dependant或需到警局報到 https://bit.ly/3n2AHNL (網頁) / https://bit.ly/3wHhJRk (Facebook Page)。
Sincere Immigration